Sidewalk is a path along the side of a road. A sidewalk may accommodate moderate changes in grade (height) and is normally separated from the vehicular section by a curb. There may also be a road verge vegetation, grass or bushes or trees or a combination of these, referred to as either between sidewalk and the roadway or between the sidewalk and the boundary. (source: wikipedia)
Pedestrian way is a type of throughfare that is intended for use only by pedestrians, not other forms of traffic such as motorized vehicles. They can be paths within an urban area, or rural paths through the countryside. (source: wikipedia)
Jakarta has had almost sidewalk at the all of main road. However, almost the entire sidewalk in Jakarta is broken or became slum because of the street vendors. This fact can disturb pedestrians for use it. Many people are confused to give their aspirations and know more about sidewalk in jakarta. Where they could speak up and get the latest news of sidewalk in Jakarta?
Here we go...
For detail information data about sidewalk condition or sharing about sidewalk in Jakarta (include complaints), you can communicate this with Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman DKI Jakarta. This is because the sidewalk in Jakarta is organized by Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman DKI Jakarta. However, in terms of accountability , there are rules that have been applied to some areas. There are some sidewalk area in Jakarta which are managed directly by the Dinas Pertamanan dan Pemakaman, and there are also some sidewalk area which are managed by each business owner . Subjectively, the area that has seen better condition in Jakarta is in the central area of government offices (Monas area) to the area of Sudirman Central Bussines District (SCBD).
For a motorist driving regulations/street vendors on the sidewalks, UU No 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan (UU LLAJ) Pasal 275 ayat (1) - pasal 28 ayat (2), stated that disturbances in traffic and transportation is any person who is interfere in the function of traffic signs, road markings, traffic signaling apparatus pedestrian facilities and road user safety devices. Violators are subject to fines rules: Rp 250.000, -. While the sidewalk function is regulated in Undang-undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009, which prohibits the user to make the sidewalk for parking lots and businesses of any kind. The ban was also regulated in Undang-undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2004 and Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 34 Tahun 2006 tentang Jalan. In this regulation, there are very strict penal provisions, 18 months in prison or a fine of Rp. 1.5 billion for every person who deliberately engage in activities that lead to the undermining of roads and sidewalks.
In Indonesia, for pavement condition eligibility criteria, can be found in Pedoman Penyediaan dan Pemanfaatan Prasarana dan Sarana Ruang Pejalan Kaki di Perkotaan by Direktorat Penataan Ruang Nasional. In this guide there are pedestrian way feasibility classifications are divided by Level of Service (LOS) and the typology. You can download from this link.
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